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To add an item select the add to cart link below the product you wish to purchase. Putting an item in your shopping cart does not obligate you to purchase anything. (574568941)(20)

(Note: If you just added or deleted and item and the cart does not display correctly, please refresh the page.)

We take MasterCard, Visa and Discover Card

We accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover Card.  We do not charge your card until the items are ready to ship.  We also accept checks and cash.  If you send a personal check, we do not ship until it has cleared.  Cash payments are shipped as soon as the items are ready.

An automated checkout is being developed.  Until it's ready, purchases can be made via e-mail, phone or call-back.

By e-mail:
Select and copy this page, click on the "Send Order" link below (this will open your email program and load it with our email address and subject), and then paste the page into the e-mail and send it to us.  You can also provide call-back information (see "By call-back" below for more information) or we will contact you by email to arrange payment and shipping.  If you choose to send your Credit Card information to us via email, never send it in one email.  Always break it up into two emails for security reasons as email is not encrypted.
(Note: Because Spammers use robots to harvest email addresses from web pages, we do note show our email address here.  If the "Send Order" link does not open your email program automatically, please  open a blank e-mail note, paste the page, then send it to HNA{at}HeartnArt{dot}com - replace {at} and {dot} with @ and . respectively.)

By phone:
Call us at 860-398-4080, if we are available, we will take your order, check availability, and take your payment information and shipping address.  If we are unavailable, leave a message with the info needed for the "By call-back" instructions below.

By call-back:
You can e-mail us a note or call us at 860-398-4080 with your name, time zone, phone number, and the best time to call.  We will call you to take the order and arrange the payment and shipping over the phone.
(Tip: Click on "Send Order" below to automatically open an e-mail message addressed to us or us the "Contact Us" page.)

Postage and Handling:
We ship everything using United States Postal Service Priority Mail.  Items are Insured with Delivery Confirmation.  For items that are under one pound and less than $50 in value, the fees would be $3.85 for Postage, $1.30 for Insurance and $0.45 for Delivery Confirmation for a total of $5.60 to anywhere in the U.S.  If the order is over one pound or over $50 in value, fees will be added according to the USPS Postage rates , Insurance rates and Delivery Confirmation rates .  Any changes in the USPS fees will be reflected in our fees to you.